We’re proud to announce that we have passed our ISO audit and have been awarded the ISO 14001 & GB-T 24001 certificates for quality, environmental management system.
In this age in which a company’s consideration of the environment is one of the selection standards for customers when purchasing products. Pollution prevention, energy efficiency, eco-friendly design, and industrial ecology are emerging as top priorities for companies across all industrial sectors. Protection of the planet environment is an important part of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility values and principles. We take full account of environmental issues in the technical and professional services we provide to facilitate sustainability. Reduction in the amount of packaging and use of eco-friendly packaging material provide an attractive opportunity to promote environmental sustainability. Use of clean energy for in-house power requirements is also emerging as an attractive proposition for companies to reduce carbon footprint.
Achieving the 14001 & GB-T 24001 demonstrates our continued commitment to reducing our impact on the environment, leading us to a more sustainable day-to-day operation while producing high quality products.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: info@xrdgraphite.com.